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Department of Architecture Internship Practices
Purpose and Scope:
Article 1- The purpose of these application principles, prepared by the 33rd Article of the Trakya University Undergraduate Education, Training and Exam Regulations, the Internship Directive of the Faculty of Architecture, is to determine the principles to be applied in the internships of the students studying at the Architecture Department of the Faculty of Architecture.
Internship Duration and General Characteristics of Internships
Article 2- For the students of the Department of Architecture to be entitled to receive a bachelor's degree, it is obligatory to complete an internship during the education period. The total internship period is 60 working days. These internships are done for;
Office Internship: at least 30 working days
Site Internship: at least 30 working days
Office Internship: It is carried out in freelance architecture, urban planning, interior architecture, landscape offices or architectural design departments of public institutions approved by the internship commission, in archaeological excavations approved by the ministry, in architecture summer schools (non-course completion), in architectural internship rotation programs and the fields of survey work and professional research.
Site Internship: It is done in the public or private sector, legal constructions.
Internship Commission
Article 3- An internship commission is appointed by the Faculty Board, upon the recommendation of the Department Academic Board, to conduct and evaluate the internship procedures of the students of the Department of Architecture. The internship commission consists of a chairman and two members.
Internship Place and Procurement
Article 4- Regarding the internship place and its provision, the provisions specified in Article 8 of the Internship Directive of the Faculty of Architecture are valid. In addition, the management helps students find internship places by announcing the internship places that can be obtained from public and private institutions, and by giving out the applicants by drawing lots.
Article 5- Internship workplaces should have the following qualifications:
a) Construction sites and project offices under the management and control of public institutions and public economic institutions,
b) Private establishment construction sites that are under the management and responsibility of an architect or civil engineer with at least 5 years of professional experience, whose qualifications are accepted by the internship commission, and which are legally qualified (licensed),
c) Offices of public institutions carrying out architectural design tasks,
d) Private architectural project offices under the management and responsibility of an architect with at least 5 years of professional experience,
e) Urban planning, landscape, and interior architecture offices are registered with the relevant professional chamber and have an official registration certificate for the internship year, and the internship is carried out under the supervision of city planners, landscape architects, interior architects, or architects with at least 5 years of professional experience,
f) Archaeological excavations, including architectural finds, are excavations licensed by the Ministry of Culture,
g) Students who will attend Architecture Summer Schools; Summer schools operating in architectural fields should apply with the program and other introductory information and get the approval of the internship commission,
h) Those who will participate in the Rotation in Architectural Internship program; must obtain the approval of the internship commission by applying to the Dean's Office with a letter from the relevant chamber unit stating the advisor and the scope of work,
i) Those who will do survey work and professional research; must do the work under the supervision of an instructor, present the work program they will prepare, get the approval of the internship commission, and submit a copy of the product that comes out at the end of the internship together with the internship book.
Internship Periods
Article 6- Students can do their internship in the periods specified in the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th paragraphs of the Faculty of Architecture Internship Directive.
Starting an Internship
Article 7- In addition to the documents specified in the 3rd paragraph of the 9th article of the Faculty of Architecture Internship Directive, the students apply to the Faculty student affairs officer responsible for the internship with the following documents regarding the internship they will do, with the registration, date, and number. During the application, it is obligatory to bring a document defining the qualifications specified in Article 5 of the applicable principles.
The application of the student is examined by the Internship Committee and it is decided whether the desired internship can be done in that institution. If necessary, detailed information about the internship place may be requested. Students can start their internship after getting approval from the Internship Committee. Internships started without the approval of the Internship Commission are not valid in any way.
Article 8- The student whose internship place has been accepted and approved cannot change this internship place without an excuse acceptable to the Internship Committee and without informing the Commission. If it changes, the internship is not valid.
Article 9- The student who will start the internship has to prepare an internship file for each internship. The principles regarding the internship file are specified in the 10th article of the Faculty of Architecture Internship Directive..
Implementation of the Internship
Article 10- A copy of the internship study programs organized by the Internship Commission is placed in the student's internship file by the Dean's Office.
Article 11-. The workplace may appoint one or more internship supervisors for each intern student.
internship supervisor:
-For office internship; Architect with 5 years of professional experience,
-For Construction Site Internship; Architect or civil engineer with 5 years of professional experience
-In Summer Schools; the summer school administrator
-In Archaeological Excavations; if there is excavation architecture, if not, the excavation head
-In the Rotation Program in Architectural Internship; a Consultant appointed by the Chamber of Architects
(Architect with at least 5 years of professional experience)
-In Urbanism, Landscape, and Interior Architecture Offices; He is a member of the relevant profession with 5 years of professional experience.
Article 12- During the internship period, the student notes the work carried out according to the program given to him, day by day, and records them in the internship file. Daily forms are signed by the internship supervisor. At the end of the internship, the internship supervisor checks and approves all the work. Unapproved internship files are not accepted.
Article 13- A separate internship file should be prepared for each internship. A separate internship file should also be prepared for previously incomplete or partially completed internships.
Rules to be Followed at the Place of Internship
Article 14- Students must comply with the principles specified in Article 11 of the Faculty of Architecture Internship Directive.
Attendance Mandatory and Excuses
Article 15-. The internship period is done during the period stipulated in the 6th article of the Faculty of Architecture Internship Directive. The internship is uninterrupted and cannot be divided. However, in cases specified in Article 12 of the Faculty of Architecture Internship Directive, students are deemed excused.
Submission and Content of Internship Files
Article 16- The delivery of the internship files is made under the conditions specified in the 13th Article of the Faculty of Architecture Internship Directive.
Article 17- The documents to be submitted along with the internship book are as follows;
For Office Internship:
For Architectural Offices;
-The document describing the qualifications referred to in Article 5.
-Examples of the drawings (The name of the student should be on the original on the letterhead or in a suitable place on the sheet).
For Those Attending Summer Schools;
-Certificate of attendance issued by the organization organizing the Summer School.
- Examples of realized drawings.
For Those Participating in Archaeological Excavations;
-Examples of surveys and find drawings made during the excavation.
For those who participate in the Architectural Internship Rotation Program of the Chamber of Architects;
-Bulletin (in print) created during the study or written-drawn document of other works done.
In Urbanism, Landscape and, Interior Architecture Offices;
-The document describing the qualifications referred to in Article 5.
-Examples of drawings made during the internship.
For Construction Site Internship:
-Copy of the diploma of the internship supervisor
-A photocopy of the building permit or a photograph of the student in front of the license sign.
Internship Success Form
Article 18-. The principles in Article 14 of the Faculty of Architecture Internship Directive are valid.
Evaluation of Internships
Article 19- The principles in Article 15 of the Faculty of Architecture Internship Directive are valid.
Article 20- Internship notebooks containing similar topics and giving the impression of a copy cannot be accepted and, the internship is deemed invalid.
Internship in Foreign Countries
Article 21- The principles specified in Article 16 of the Faculty of Architecture Internship Directive are valid.
Article 22- If the internship file is in English, a Turkish summary describing the internship in general must be included, in the internship file..
Article 23- The Faculty Internship and Education Implementation Board is authorized to decide on the issues that are within the scope of these application principles but for which there is no provision, provided that they do not contradict the Internship Practice Principles of the Department of Architecture.
Article 24- The Internship Practice Principles of the Department of Architecture enter into force on the date it is accepted by the "Faculty of Architecture Internship and Education Practice Board".
Article 25- The Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of Trakya University conducts the Internship Practice Principles of the Department of Architecture.
This content was issued on 07.05.2014 and has been viewed for 136 times.