Faculty of Architecture Internship Regulations

Aim, Scope and Base
Article 1. (1) The aim of this document is to regulate the procedures and principles for the obligatory internship programs of undergraduate program students who study at the Faculty of Architecture of Trakya University.
Article 2-  (1)  This document comprises the rules, procedures and other provisions about the structure and the application regarding the obligatory internship for undergraduate students studying at the Faculty of Architecture of Trakya University
Article 3- (1) This regulation has been prepared on the basis of Article 33 in the Trakya University Undergraduate Education, Training and Examination Regulation that is published in the Official Newspaper dated 11.08.2003 and numbered 25196, and the provisions of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, which entered into force on 01 October 2008.
Article 4- (1) In this document;
a) Dean means Dean of the Faculty of Architecture,
b) Faculty means Faculty of Architecture,
c) Rector means Rector of Trakya University,
ç) SSI means Social Security Insurance,
d) HCS means Health, Culture, and Sports Department and
e) University means Trakya University.
Council of Internship and Education
Article 5- (1)  The council of internship and education consists of the Chairs of the Department Internship Committee, the Faculty Secretary, and an officer in charge, under the chairmanship of a Deputy Dean, in order to carry out and evaluate the internship procedures of the Faculty students.

Internships and Application
Duration and Terms of Application
Article 6- (1)-  It is obligatory for the students of the Faculty to complete an internship in the departments in order to be entitled to receive a bachelor's degree. A working day requires at least 8 hours of work during the internship. The student can work a maximum of 6 (six) days per week. Students cannot do internships by working at night shifts. Internships in institutions that require work more than 8 (eight) hours a day are accepted as 8 (eight) hours.
(2)- In the Department of Architecture, it is obligatory for the students to complete an internship for a total of 60 working days (minimum) during the education period in order to be entitled to receive a bachelor's degree in Architecture.
 These internships include;
1. Office Internship    : Minimum 30 working days (6 weeks)
2. Construction Site Internship  : Minimum 30 working days (6 weeks)
(3)- In the Department of Landscape Architecture, it is obligatory for the students to complete an internship for a total of 60 working days (minimum) during the education period in order to be entitled to receive a bachelor's degree in Landscape Architecture.
These internships include;
a-Stage 1 : Plantation Internship   : Minimum 20 working days  (4 weeks)
b-Stage 2 : Office Internship   : Minimum 20 working days  (4 weeks)
c-Stage 3 : Construction Site Internship  : Minimum 20 working days  (4 weeks)
 (4)- Internship periods are the summer holidays following the spring semester. Students who have completed their courses and have only a lack of internship for graduation, or students who have not completed their courses but are not obliged to attend any courses, can do their internship during the academic year, except for the exam days when they have to attend.
(5)- Internship periods for the students who do not complete obligatory courses are defined by the departments for June, July, August, and September in the summer holiday.
(6)- Internship periods for the students who complete obligatory courses or do not have any courses that need attendance are defined by the departments for October in the fall semester and March in the spring semester.
(7)- Each department conducts and evaluates the internships of the students according to the Internship Procedures belonging to their department. Internship Procedures of the Department are prepared by the related department and enter into force after the approval of the Council of Internship and Education.
Content of the Internships
Article 7- (1) Content of the internships is determined and announced in accordance with the Internship Procedures of the Departments and is followed by the Internship Commissions of the Departments.
Place of Internship and
Article 8- (1) Internships are held in official and private institutions that are approved by the Faculty Board and Internship Commissions of the Departments and in similar institutions abroad.
(2) The student is responsible to find an institution for his/her internship. Faculty and Department Administrations are not obliged to find an internship place for the student. Internship opportunities provided by ministries, public institutions, professional chambers, and the private sector can be announced by the Departments.
(3) In case of more applications than the quota for paid or unpaid internship proposals that can be obtained from public or private institutions, the applications are evaluated by drawing lots.
Registering for the Internship
Article 9- (1) The student who will start the internship has to prepare an internship file for each seperate internship. A separate internship file should also be prepared for previously incomplete or partially completed internships. The principles regarding the internship file are determined and announced by the Internship Commissions of the Departments.
(2) Students apply to the Faculty Registrar's Office with the following documents, with the registration and dates of the internship. Internship Committees of the Departments submit the list of the students who are eligible for the internship to the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture.
(3) Documents for application
a) Acceptance Letter (a document written on a paper titled company/institution, signed and stamped/sealed by the authorized person, stating that the student has been accepted for an internship at the workplace/institution)
b) Internship Information and Preferences Form
c) Student Certificate
c) 1 portrait photo
d) Other documents that are requested by the Internship Committees of the Departments
(4) The student, who is allowed to start the internship in an approved place of internship by the Board of Faculty Administration, are not allowed to change the internship place without an acceptable excuse and without informing the Internship Committees of the Departments about this. If it is changed during the internship, the internship is not valid.
Application of the Internship
Article 10- (1) A copy of the internship study programs organized by the Internship Commissions of the Departments is placed in the student's internship file by the Dean’s Office of the Faculty.
(2) The workplace may appoint one or more supervisors for each trainee student. Internship supervisors are required to have at least a bachelor's degree or sufficient professional experience in their profession.
(3) During the internship period, the student prepares a diary of the work carried out according to the internship study program and puts them in the internship file. Daily forms are signed by the internship supervisor. At the end of the internship, the supervisor of the workplace checks and approves all the work. Unapproved internship files can not be accepted by the Internship Committees of the Departments.
Rules to be followed during the Internship
Article 11- (1) Students have to comply with the regulations of the work place where they are doing their internship, the internal order of the institution, the rules regarding discipline and work safety, and set a good example for the environment. The situation of the students who do not fulfill the duties given within the scope of the internship study program and do not comply with the rules is notified in a letter to the Dean of the Faculty by the supervisor of the institution.
 (2) Students are obliged to use the machinery and equipments, materials and facilities they use in their internship workplaces well. Managers of the business have the right to take legal action against those who act to the contrary.
Attendance and Excuses
Article 12- (1) The internship is done in the period that is proposed in Article 5. However;
               a) Illnesses condition that is documented by a report from University Hospitals, State Hospitals or Health Centers stating that the student is not eligible to continue the internship (calculated separately for each internship period).
               b) Absences not exceeding 3 working days (calculated separately for each internship period) due to natural disasters, family and other reasons other than illness. Students are accepted as allowed for these cases with the written permission of the internship supervisor.
(2) The Internship Committees of the Departments decide whether to accept the internships of students whose absences are less than 10% of the internship period for each internship period due to reasons other than the above-mentioned excuses, and the internship is rejected in case of unexcused absences exceeding this limit.
Submission of Internship Files
Article 13- (1) The internship file must be delivered/sent to the Faculty Dean's Office by hand or by mail/cargo, within the first 2 weeks following the start of the semester following the internship. The faculty assigns a registration number to each incoming file. However, the administration is not responsible for delays or loss in mail and cargo. A student who does not submit his internship file within this period is deemed not to have completed his internship.
Internship Success Form
Article 14- (1) When starting the internship, the student has to submit the internship evaluation form stamped SECRET to the institution or workplace where he/she will do the internship. At the end of the internship, the form filled in by the authorized supervisor or supervisors and registered as CONFIDENTIAL is submitted by the institution, or by the student within the envelope sealed and approved that is attached to the internship file, at the beginning of the semester at the latest.
(2) In the Internship success form, A: Very good, B: Good, C: Fair, D: Insufficient.
Evaluation of Internships
Article 15- (1) Internship file, confidential internship success form and, if any, control and evaluation reports are sent to the relevant Internship Committees of the Departments by the Dean’s Office of the Faculty. The internship file of the student is examined by the committee, taking into account the information it contains, the spelling and the internship success form that comes from the workplace. The evaluation of the internship results in the completion and approval of the internship evaluation form by the Internship Committees of the Departments. The decision of the commission is final. The evaluation form of the successful internship is completed and approved by the members of the Internship Committees of the Departments. Internships that are not deemed appropriate by the Internship Committees of the Departments may be partially or completely rejected by specifying the number of days and the subject of the internship.
(2) Internships of students who do not receive the "Internship Success Form" to the Faculty Dean's Office are not accepted. The Faculty is not responsible for the delay or loss of the internship success form in the mail.
(3) Students whose internship files are found to be deficient are given an additional 2 weeks for correction. Internship results are announced on the school's bulletin board and WEB page within 2 months at the latest following the end of the internship.
Internship in Foreign Countries
Article 16- (1) Students who will do internship in foreign countries must submit a letter stating that they have been accepted to the internship and when they will start, to the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, as an appendix to the petition. Internship files can be arranged in Turkish or English. An abstract in Turkish should be placed at the beginning of the Internship Files prepared in English.

Authorization and Financial Provisions
Article 17 (1) The number of students during the internship period is notified to the Rectorate of our University and the Department of Health, Culture and Sports (HCS) in the first week of the relevant semester.
(2) An officer is authorized by the Dean for the work and social security procedures related to the compulsory internship of the faculty students and the relevant institutions (Rectorate, Social Security Institution SSI, Regional Labor Directorate) are notified.
(3) An Insured Employment Statement is prepared and notified to the Social Security Institution at least 1 day before the student starts the internship.
(4) For each student, registration is entered into the system on the ID Number.
(5) Workplace Exit Declarations of students who have completed their internship are prepared and notified within the legal period (within 10 days at the latest).
(6) For students who cannot complete their internship for any reason, a "Workplace Exit Statement" is prepared and notified to the Social Security Institution within the legal period (10 days at the latest).
(7) The Administrative Board of the Faculty is authorized to decide on matters which there is no provision, but that are within the scope of this document, providing that they do not contradict the provisions of the internship regulations.
 (8) Due to the amendment made in the Article of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510 about intern students, the monthly insurance premiums of the students who will do the compulsory internship will be paid by the Rectorate. It is the responsibility of the Rectorate whether to pay the student premiums after all procedures have been fulfilled.
(9) SSI workplace number is obtained by the Faculty Dean on behalf of the institution.
(10) When a workplace application is made to the SSI, a degree of danger in terms of work accident and occupational disease will be given to the work done, and this degree of danger (premium rates for work accident and occupational disease differs according to the degree of danger of the job) is reported to the Rectorate.
(11) The number of students who will do internship (yearly / monthly), how long the internship is and in which periods (in terms of time intervals) are notified to the Rectorate in order to make the premium payments of the students who will do the compulsory internship and to prepare the budget of the premiums of the students who will do the internship.
(12) In order to avoid any penal sanction in the context of payment of premiums, the electronically approved printouts of the "Monthly Premium and Service Documents" (taking into account the periods specified in the statement on Procedures and Principles Regarding Payment Periods that was published in the Official Newspaper dated September 28, 2008 and numbered 27011) are submitted to the Social Security Institution and sent to the Department of HCS until the 15th of the month following the month of internship.

Various and the Final Provisions
Circumstances Not Included in the Document
Article 18- (1) In cases where there is no provision in the internship regulations, the Administrative Board of the Faculty is authorized, providing that it is not contrary to the provisions of the Trakya University Undergraduate Education, Training and Examination Regulation published in the Official Newspaper dated 11.08.2003 and numbered 25196.
Article 20 (1) This directive enters into force on the date that it is accepted by the Trakya University Senate.
Article 21 (1) This directive is executed by the Rector of Trakya University.

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