Project Directives

Article 1- The aim of this directive is to determine the application and evaluation principles of the Architectural Project courses carried out in the Trakya University Architecture Department of the Faculty of Architecture.

Article 2- Mentioned in this directive:
a) Project Coordinator: Instructor who coordinates the project groups
b) Project Group Coordinator: Instructor responsible for the operation of the project course
c) General Coordinator of Graduation Project: The instructor responsible for the execution of the Graduation Project Course.
ç) Studio Coordinator of Graduation Project: The instructor responsible for the Graduation Project studios.
d) Midterm Jury: The jury responsible for the execution of the Graduation Project Course during the semester.
e) End of Term Jury: The jury responsible for the end of term evaluation of the Graduation Project Course.
Architectural Project Courses and Contents: It is defined in the Bologna Programme.

Article 3-
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous Architectural Project course is a prerequisite for taking the next project.

Article 4- Arrangement Principles of Architectural Project Courses: It is carried out by forming groups under the management of a project coordinator (Except for Graduation Project).
A)  Principles of forming project groups:
a) In the Introduction to Architectural Project course, project groups are formed by dividing the number of students by the number of project coordinators.
b) In the courses from Architectural Project 1 to Architectural Project 6, students are sorted according to the previous project grades and distributed equally to the project groups, starting with the student with the highest grade. For this purpose, the arrangement made in the grading program is supervised by the Department Head when deemed necessary. Within the scope of the regulation regarding the project groups, the list is determined by the board consisting of a responsible instructor and three research assistants and submitted to the Department Head in accordance with the principles of confidentiality.
B) Determination of project coordinators
The number of architectural project coordinators is determined on the basis of the number and education quality of the students enrolled in the relevant project course. Course instructors are primarily determined from among full time academic staff. In case the number of full time academic staff who can carry out the Architectural Project course is insufficient;
a) Benefiting from academic staff who accept assignments from the architecture departments of other universities,
b) Architects working as freelance architects with at least 10 years of design and application experience are appointed as instructor.
When a need arises for new academic staff in the program held at the end of the previous semester, the applications are pre-examined by a three-person commission to be formed by the head of the Architecture Department. The result is notified in writing to the Head of the Architecture Department to be discussed at the Academic Board of the Department. In line with these views, the assignment is made by the Faculty Administrative Board.
Article 5-
A) Midterm Exams: Two midterm exams are given in the Architectural Project courses other than the Graduation Project Course.
a) Midterm Exam I: It is the “Sketch Exam”. The design requested from the student in the exam includes the solution of a subject prepared in accordance with the Architectural Project level and the student submits the design in sketch format. The subject of the sketch exam and the drawings requested at the submission are determined by the project course coordinators and the results are evaluated by the jury formed by the architectural project coordinators. In the evaluation, the arithmetic average of the members of the jury is taken. On the day and time announced by the jury, the students are informed about the evaluations.
Drawings requested in sketch exams; It is drawn on blank sketch papers stamped and signed by the supervisors at the beginning of the exam period. During the exam, the exam documents are not taken out of the exam room and no documents, tools and equipment related to the exam subject are taken into the exam room. At the beginning of the exam, the sketch exam jury makes general explanations to the students about the subject and what is required.
b) Midterm Exam II: Evaluation of the progress in the design studies prepared by the students in the Architectural Project course on the announced date.
For this purpose, the drawings, necessary additional studies and scales requested from the student are submitted to the Head of the Department by the Project Coordinators at least fifteen days before the submission date of the study and announced to the students. In this midterm exam, students' architectural projects; It is evaluated by the jury attended by the architectural project coordinators of the studios they are affiliated with. In the evaluation, the midterm exam grade is determined by taking the arithmetic average of the grades of the jury members. The number of members of the jury cannot be less than 3. Depending on the number of students, if the number of architectural project course coordinators is less than 3, this number is completed by the Faculty Administrative Board upon the proposal of the Department Head.
c) Calculating the in-semester grade: The in-semester grade is calculated by taking the arithmetic average of the I and II Midterm Exams.
B) Final Exams:
a) Architectural Project Submission: Architectural projects are only received by the assigned instructors on the date, time and place announced by the Department Head. This period cannot be extended definitively. The 'the list of requested' determined by the Architectural Project Coordinators or the General Coordinator of the Graduation Project is submitted to the Head of the Department at least 15 days before the submission of the architectural project and announced to the students.
b) Drawing Method: Hand drawing is compulsory for Introduction to Architectural Project, Architectural Project 1, 2 and 3 courses. In the Architectural Project 4, 5, 6 courses and in the Graduation Project, digital drawings are also acceptable.
c) Architectural Project Submission Format: Along with the list of requests, the submission format is announced to the student at least fifteen days before the project submission.
d) Architectural Project Submission: No excuses are accepted for architectural project submission. Submission cannot be made in any way other than the announced date, time and place. In cases where the student cannot submission the architectural project personally, the submission can be made by someone else.
e) Model Submission: It is carried out only within the time announced by the project coordinators. Projects that cannot be submissioned with the model are evaluated over 75% of the grade given. Computer-based three-dimensional models or animations cannot replace real model submission. Such computer-based studies or perspectives are considered additional presentations in support of the project.
C)  Architectural Project Evaluation Method and Grading:
a) Determination of the jury: The evaluation is made by the jury formed with the participation of the relevant architectural project coordinators. Faculty members from architecture departments of other universities can be invited to the jury. Invited instructors serve in the same way as other members of the jury. The number of members in the Evaluation Jury cannot be less than 3. Depending on the number of students, if the number of architectural project coordinators is less than 3; This number is completed to three after the assignment is made upon the proposal of the Department Head.
b) Studies before evaluation: The submitted projects are first examined by the research assistants assigned to this subject, and their "quantity" evaluation is made in line with the 'the list of requested'. The results are presented to the jury in writing.
c) Presentation: Before the evaluation, students present their projects orally to the jury and answer the questions that will be asked to them. If the student cannot enter the jury, the project is evaluated in the absence of the student.
d) Evaluation Process and Criteria:
Evaluation is made according to the following criteria;
- Evaluation of environmental factors,
- Functional features,
- Structural features,
- Formal features,
- Technical presentation.
The percentages of the evaluation criteria are determined by the jury depending on the subject, moreover, during the architectural project course, the jury can determine new evaluation criteria in relation to the program of the course.
In the evaluation, the grade of the student is determined by taking the arithmetic average of the grades given by the members of the jury. The report, which includes the notes and calculations given by all jury members, is delivered to the Department Head as a result of the jury's evaluation studies.
D) Objection to the Architectural Project Course Jury Note: In case the students object to the Architectural Project course evaluation results;
The architectural project evaluation report is examined by the Department Head and it is determined whether there has been a tangibal error in the grading process; In case of detecting a tangibal error, a recalculation is made and the result is reported to the Dean.
In case of repetition of the objection, the members of the jury are asked for their written opinion about their evaluation. According to the results of these examinations, the Dean decides to reevaluate the project by establishing a new jury of three people, one of whom is the project coordinator, in accordance with Article 25 of the Trakya University Undergraduate Education, Training and Examination Regulation.
Article 6- Graduation Project:
a) The Purpose and Prerequisite of the Graduation Project: The aim of the graduation project is to enable the student to make independent design.
In order to enroll in the graduation project course, success is required in all courses of the first six (6) semesters of the student.
b) Forming of project group: Depending on the number of students in the graduation project, groups are formed with up to 30 students. This number can be increased if necessary. For each semester, a General Coordinator of Graduation Project and Studio Coordinators of Graduation Project are determined among the faculty members of the Building Information Department. Determining the project subject, choosing the land, preparing the work schedule, process and communication are carried out by this group in coordination from the beginning to the end of the semester. In each groups, there is a jury of 3 (three) people, including at least one member from the Department of Building Information, and at least one Research Assistant to assist this jury. The group that the student will attend is determined by the General Coordinator of the Graduation Project by drawing lots at the beginning of the semester.
c) Project subject: In the first week of the semester, it is notified to the Department Head in writing by the General Coordinator of the Graduation Project and announced to the students through the announcement and/or the department web page.
In addition, the exam and jury evaluation calendar is prepared by the General Coordinator of Graduation Project and notified to the Department Head in writing.
d) Midterm Jury: Evaluation meetings are held 3 times during the semester in order to supervise the work of the students. During the meetings, the progress of student work is evaluated by making a critique of the students' midterm submission. A sketching exam is given during the semester. This exam is evaluated by the relevant jury.
The in-semester grade is determined by adding 75% of the total student grade and 25% of the sketch exam grade in the evaluation formed as a result of the 3 midterm jury meetings held during the semester.
The student completes the project within the announced time and submits it to be evaluated by the Term End Jury. In order to achieve this, the student has to attend at least two of the three midterm jury meetings held during the semester. Otherwise, the continuation condition stipulated by the Trakya University Undergraduate Education, Training and Examination Regulations is not fulfilled and the project submission is deemed to have not been realized.
e) End of Term Jury: A structural statics expert also participates in the End of Term Jury during the evaluation phase. If deemed necessary, A Term End Jury is formed with the participation of instructor invited from urban planning, restoration, history of architecture etc. research areas and other universities. Before the relevant jury meeting, the graduation projects submitted by the students are kept open for the review of the jury members for one week. In the evaluation, the final grade of the student's graduation project is determined based on the arithmetic average of the grades given by the relevant jury members.
Based on the student's "Graduation Project" grade, in-semester grade and end of semester graduation project submission grade It is determined by calculating the rates explained in the relevant article of the "T.Ü. Undergraduate Education, Training and Examination Regulation."
If the student objects to the graduation project grade, action is taken according to Article 5.4 of this directive. In case of repetition of the objection, if a new jury is established by the Dean's Office, this jury must consist of the same number of academic staff as the End of Term Jury.
Print and/or digital copies of diploma projects submitted for the End of Term Jury are received.

Article 7- Issues for which there is no provision:
The provisions of Trakya University Education-Training and Examination Regulations are applied in matters that are within the scope of this directive but for which there is no provision.
Article 8- Enforcement: This directive enters into force from the date it is accepted by the Trakya University Senate.
Article 9- Execution: This directive is executed by the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of Trakya University.
Temporary Article 1- Adaptation: Students who are currently studying at Trakya University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, and students who have registered and will take advantage of the amnesty, after completing the Architectural Project 7 course; They has to take and succeed in the "Diploma Project" course in line with this instruction. Students who have taken the Architectural Project 8 course but are absent or unsuccessful must also take the "Graduation Project" course and succeed.
Temporary Article 2- Diploma Project Prerequisite: The condition of “taking and succeeding all the courses in the first six semesters” in paragraph a) of Article 6 of this directive regarding the Graduation Project is applied to all students as of the beginning of the 2015-2016 academic year.

This content was issued on 05.09.2022 and has been viewed for 650 times.